Thursday, March 31, 2011

[cambodia 2010] the rest stops

cambodia travel diary day 3

we made two rest stops that day. the first one was in the town of kampong thom for lunch. the second stop was at a small town's marketplace. at first all seemed normal, kids trying to sell us fruits and stores of fresh vegetables everywhere but then we realised that some of the stores were selling fried spiders, locusts, rats, birds etc etc. i am so not kidding here! there were also some villagers selling live spiders! our guide told us that these huge spiders thrived here because of a certain local plant. they are not farmed at all! my brother was actually adventurous enough to try to eat one of them. well, he did managed to eat one leg but he chickened out after that, our guide ate the rest of it. *shudders. will never forget this!

golden half, ferrania solaris 400


  1. thank you love. i am enjoying your bueno aires very much as well.


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