Sunday, November 21, 2010

shadow shot sunday: rubber bubble

hello everybody, how's your weekend so far? i had a full full saturday. i woke up really early at 8am (i am a terrible slob, i usually wake up at 11am on weekends) for breakfast with my good friend. after, i met other friends for a full afternoon of shopping. i came away with a pair of grey wedges and a black jumpsuit, things i wouldn't normally wear or buy so that's really exciting for me. i am flat out on my bed right now, catching up with everybody's blogs and planning my posts for the week ahead.

i didn't have a shadow until yesterday when i went for my office's happy hour. it had a retro theme and we got to play with games of yore. i zero-ed in for the bubbles. it's not a regular bubble but a gummy substance you can wind around a straw and then blow it up into a huge bubble. i placed it down in a patch of sunlight and unwittingly got my shadow shot sunday!


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